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Spina Bifida Center

Family-Centered, Venerated Care

ThinkstockPhotos-185943391_316x210A long-standing institution, the Children’s Hospital at Montefiore’s (CHAM) Spina Bifida Center is the ideal place for your child to receive care. Founded in 1967, the center was the first of its kind in the United States and remains a national beacon of care for patients with genetic disorders of the spinal variety.

At CHAM, we understand that children with spina bifida and their families have nonmedical needs as well. Our staff includes representatives from social service, genetic counseling and psychology to help our patients adjust. We sponsor support groups, outings and ongoing family counseling. In short, we provide for all the needs of our patients, from birth into adulthood. We currently care for more than 200 patients, ranging from newborns to 50-year-olds.

A Specialized, Highly Integrated Team

Because of the multifaceted nature of their conditions, children with disorders of the spine require coordinated care delivered by a sizable, integrated team of specialists. It’s essential that the members of your child’s care team are in sync with one another to deliver superior care.

Our Spina Bifida Center makes this possible. You and your child can see all of your specialists in a single setting, on a single day. A team of board-certified physicians and surgeons discusses your child’s needs at regular team meetings, preventing any duplication of care or unnecessary procedures. 

Diagnostic Services and State-of-the-Art Care

Treating patients with spina bifida (meningomyelocele), meningocele, sacral agenesis (caudal regression), traumatic spinal cord injuries and more, we provide:

  • Diagnostic services
  • Longitudinal care and management
  • Social service involvement
  • Genetic counseling